Thursday, August 31, 2006

Building active project rather than whole solution in VS 2003

Have you ever needed to build only one project, the one you are currently working on, rather than a whole solution (especially the webparts deployment projects)?
There is a shortcut "ctrl+shift+b" but it builds whole solution. If you want to build current project you have to take your hands off the keyboard, move your mouse and click (two times!) “Build/Build ProjectName“.

Well, you can create a shortcut for it and it's easy!
Just go to Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard, choose "Build.BuildSelection" command and assign a shortcut for it.

Now look at "Build/Build 'ProjectName'" - we have a shortcut!

In VS 2005 this command has a “shift + F6” shortcut defined by default.


Anonymous said...

I came here after 30 minutes of googling. I would never consider “BuildSelection” as “Build active project” - Thank you :)

Sebastian said...

You are welcome! :-)

Anonymous said...
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